The best LED handrail for your home

What is important?
Around 4,000 people (about 10 people a day) die every year due to stair accidents. That is almost 20 percent more deaths than in traffic accidents, reports the magazine "Wohnen und Bauen". One of the most important reasons for falling is that the lighting is wrong or insufficient, and/or the handrail is either missing or incorrectly designed.
In order to overcome both problem points with one solution, there are handrails that are illuminated with modern LED technology. But what is important when it comes to the best LED handrail for your home?
As specialists in the field of LED handrail lighting, we at LUX GLENDER have a lot of experience and knowledge of what is important for this product. Accordingly, we develop our systems - with regard to which functions are important for the respective area of application.
The best LED handrail for home has the following features
- A continuous and uniform illumination. The light distribution must not leave any dark spots, otherwise these are the insidious tripping hazards.
- Glare-free lighting of the path. The lighting must not dazzle or irritate the eyes. A low light point height and, if possible, slow brightening of the light make it easier for the eye to get used to the changed lighting conditions without suffering the shock effect. The slow waking-up of the light can be adjusted with a control device so that a basic lighting is always on from a certain phase of darkness and slowly brightens as you pass by.
- The correct light point height, which is between 85 and 90cm. This is the right height for a handrail so that people can hold on to it safely and the right height for the lighting because it does not shine into the eyes or onto the head but only illuminates the path.
- A correct light colour. If you want to emphasise the warm ambience, warm white is the right colour - between 2500K and 3000K. For people with impaired vision, the colder colour - closer to daylight white, around between 4000K and 5000K would be the right one.
- The right handrail size. According to the Building Code for Accessibility, the correct size is up to 45mm in diameter. Children as well as older people can completely grasp the handrail of this diameter and hold on to it safely on the stairs.
- Brackets that allow the fingers to glide past unhindered and that provide a distance of 5cm from the wall so as not to rub the knuckles.
- A suitable surface so that the handrail can be cleaned regularly. LUX GLENDER uses stainless steel. It is a surface that can be kept hygienic very well with various cleaning agents without rubbing the surface. Germs also have no chance on the stainless steel.
- The possibility of replacing the LED strip. The handrail has a long-term function. It must last for many decades. The preference for the colour of light or changes in eyesight or technical progress can cause a modification. That is why it is so important to choose a system that allows easy replacement of the LED technology. The LUX GLENDER BASIC system is designed as a click system. The opal cover is simply clipped in and can be reopened at any time. The LED strip can simply be replaced, the cover can be closed again.
A reasonable price-performance ratio. One must not forget that the handrail is a building element that is installed for a period of several decades. If you want to be satisfied in the long run, high-quality building materials have their price. Otherwise you will have to deal with replacement or repairs on a regular basis.
LUX GLENDER handrails are manufactured exclusively in Germany and Austria. This means we can prove exactly which materials have been used. This is very important to us, as human lives depend on the handrail. The LED technology for the "Professional" line is also manufactured in Germany. However, this is more suitable for public projects. For a private building owner, we have introduced the "Standard" line. Although the LED technology comes from Asian manufacturers, it has been put through its paces so that our customers do not have to compromise on quality. And we were able to adapt the price to the needs of our customers.
- A jet width of at least 80cm. If your staircase is wider than 100cm, either a double-sided LED handrail or an asymmetrical light emission is recommended
If you have any questions, the LUX GLENDER team is at your service, because we know what matters in the best LED handrail.